in the realm of Scheherazade, in the heart of Little Bohemia.
cheherazade rented Little Brick House for three years before buying it. Its purchase also coincided with her entry into the world of academe.

his meant that even though she yearned to begin immediate improvements on Little Brick House, she had neither the time nor the $$$ to do so for four years.

s soon as she had safely graduated summa cum laude, Scheherazade attacked.

The Great Bathroom Project
It's not easy when you've only got one!
The Kitchen
Since Scheherazade has not really cooked since sometime during the Carter administration, an out-of-order kitchen was a lesser hardship.
It's a jungle out there
Scheherazade loves invisibility, and has striven to extend this characteristic to her house by way of large leafy flora.

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