No, not all historians ~ Scheherazade's area of expertise is mainly medieval, and mainly British. Now THOSE guys knew how to write history! |
eighteen years Scheherazade has lived in the same old house. Since she is stubborn and not fabulously wealthy, she and this fine little house have become intimately acquainted through a series of renovation projects. |
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Scheherazade found a lost branch of her astral clan. |
Fragmentary wisps gleaned from cold and ancient notes from the Annals of Little Bohemia. |
Scheherazade hopes to someday write her own coffee pages, since that dark fluid is so vital to her existence. |
As with the caffeine page, Scheherazade's Godzilla ambitions have exceeded her spare time. So until she gets caught up, she refers you, gentle visitor, to see The Parable of Reptilicus. |